vrijdag 11 september 2015

Johan Derycke Fine Art logo

Playing around with my Fine Art logo.
Having a logo as a fine art painter is not a bad idea, imho.
I guess it's a nice way of presenting yourself (online or offline)...


Visit my Fine Art website at www.johanderycke.com

zaterdag 5 september 2015

Let's ride!

So... here we go!
Deviating a bit from my fine art activities with this new blog, where I'll be posting some of the things I design for fun. Although graphic design and fine art don't seem to have many things in common at first, there are actually quite some similarities. Color, composition, edges, values, etc. All these things are just as important in design.

Anway, I will be posting some of the results of my playtime in vector graphics applications, photoshop, and what not.

I hope you'll enjoy and if they can inspire you, that's a bonus I'll gladly sign for :)

Here's a design inspired by my cycling frenzy I've recently experienced.
The mockup is a freebee that came with the full download of the free image pack at picjumbo
The Ride or Die design is mine ofcourse.
You can support my by buying a mug, or a T-shirt, etc if you like it enough to spend a few quid on it.
To do so, head over to my Redbubble account